Deseret News from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

45'1. JwiV Vegig co 4 i 6 t' TUESDAY0 7, 1976 273Un1urnishert Itouses for Rent 340---Stores anti Offices 350-4tioeing arta Storage ktocres 400-11cenes fer Sale 440-44eisees for Sole 400Sones for Ststo 1 'VI N-IFtIrliskwi imam advance fee OUT THE COLD otnipSP ci----- I Per twe Nee, larne STOAGE 1 2x1 6 la rger hod dec'se-. roie14.a2t56-8498. 1'42 '4 Creek 14041314111S CP71 ROOMS Va 11 ley 1-lomos riots duet ti. 2 2 Jr 10E SPA CE haihs, dishwaesher and OWNER ANXIOLIS NEW US NG sa wa to in in this teliy eiec.

COUNTRY CLUB AREA 144 air corkt, carpet and drapes, LOCA! ION, TRANSPERREO 4 BIG irg loos Con tem Proacatry iwkwiethi Non IDS men needs magi room- laundry hookons and off street 45a sq. ft .1.301 sq. 1,782 sq. 5sas 3 w'''' Ts' en.n.1 (cos- 3 3 frolics- 4 car garage. SuPar non, area' Bride rain- mate to share 3 Pirm.

tyyne. S1CO ft. to Soon SQ. ft Choice down, 26---2--4-11-1L-56-1-----22-12-- Info mutton Service no pet S275. 116.2 Edi- with SPKtaCLIlet, SIPet00, oriat4 .7,.

RENTI EX I mn. All tails. turn. Call NiCE quiet horrie, UTAH'S PE TAI EXPERTS gatn, air, 4 AY, 145 EI 466-t682L or ss4tsurgan socritiom units. many srEes- ral Seting Peith stoarn let." S185- 4-plek.

2 berm. sham car- off street pritg. Favi'fibble lease Inn 9444255' tom, rrn and game room. Nadi- beer' 3 enivermso bsm 42, entrats' e'' oack yard rtiful Vent NFWBORN LISTING rigor. Jess Red 218-0546, ws "rage JUSt arriakci! I Irg.

frate- USVoite Reese 942-6183, MciX or working man. bath, iget os, erms. details. call ill or shon. nerkall Bilf C000rinis, osmt.

tisoed shemmr os, Hughes 5113-0232 Rental Agency 485-3108 seen i days 20 mu 1 refr stove TV plug in rur Dic 'itt lc- eves ni4 GAO AGES 466-8458, 277-4842 Granger, unrier $39.000 DON I MSS ITI Nr. U. laumiry. quiet, erne. JUST LISTED larger 3 berm.

2'615Ira': 1 328-862 I QM'S. GET OLITii j.siSt tor 4 year old split. I run wk. 160 S. 945 E.

3 baths5, big livingrmL and dining SELLER TRANSFERRED 534-0900 1, baths, family room, 03 ,1,044,43. REALTY SANDY. Nee storage garages, rm. 130'2 ft. kit.

Sprinkler sys- wiaarrinesslouunseitsa.nalOoeft. doors. AiS0 tern, 2 furnaces, air cend, view ontlykyar: ON RENTAL EXPERTS 761 625 nnd, 6frslcovelort tyloaneevsA, NEAR "TOWN, 10 No. State, ISS- formal dine, Murray area, bud. Commercial industrial Brokers $70 utl.s.

raid, 328-9867 get, 8175. $100 pius uttes. Modern, 2 spare avaa. of cily an each floor, 5,400 se. ft.

NATI'E (3) bdrm- home eireolreie "Giber noose IN dryer hookups, caroort. siorage, 9460 S. An W. 561-0001, 571-52Z1. of hoarse and storage, mere man ihemeesi C4firinA173an'thrtill'38scrar'24ced- rnia.Ptc.

utand'e. mc'We'slve VERY ASSUMABLE costs. Max Hughes 583-01312, Dick Collett 2T4901, JIM Lee 571-7776. TOP NOTCH 2 hdrm, duptek, teossis, DOUBLE VALUE no bilis tO 0,1,0. fenced yard, arp Rwl ets, drapes PRIME 48.1.

You can believe! Above Me Blvd. 3 hcirms 22' master suite irn. rrn for. rnor 1'6 Waft, 10,000 down and con $250 per poy Joon saiinyi kneed fOr .1114 i34221 Rent 12 12111 tree 2954125 --3-1911- On1-5-44' Thd Ac116-19----P1-41--2-6-'-- ital'yl fight 'rec. rrn.

welth firetuiace. nth. 3 BrIrM. rambler, retrig. notek 63AM'Ai Ste Advance leo ISorse property surrounds cozy 2 East Midva re.

No smokers or Arm, southeast location, S160. Pets' 2 or 2 Fri. through Sun. days. 5ftE $26.50450 'yVk.

err enii (611.1i adilance tee Purr. in ttl-Ts, rtei-e71 si-nire. 14' 32' with lo, loIs Gorwou. view! Dbie garage air natio, a'n't7allY 1311n lannsca01 end 'elven Roger 255-3732, ain 299-1677. JACK LEE BUDGETED 11.15 took, ow, Piet 30 Private west roorns, Ideal for close-in, very nite 2 hdrm, apt, 16,000 sq ft.

bldg. FontOslic 124 located. Also chap link fenced le." sJs 1,,,,, Pr ieed Iii C.9! mostern ewes. shady yard 13445) prof. and ()dice rem, oadter I MOUNT i NS1DE P.

IRE III stove, chi-getegs draped, As $15-550. 4116-9264 265-71144 1-2-x-i6. 10 ft. av-r-ehead baths, fireplace, built-ins, 2174249; Ava, 27-7 825, lYtbk 1 REA 1061130 Pentex 634-0030 120 advance tee city. Maid service.

clean, quiet trpen uMnne 49'000 2 mem. air COM. S20G. Mature wools Ponong onlihNo pets, 4566815. remodel to suite lennant Fat- room.

Price range Quan Fur this 3 hdrrn. near Liberty LToRs with 24 ttr, switchkoard. Coffee home. full carPets, S140. hr lant must see, all brick, elude- Seller's have souTHEAsT FOR $33,500 CAMPUS 2 Winn.

that anew. shop, sougoe me ss" 487-8761 i99231 advance so i T. num, trim. Double garage. B.

J. Pol D. NI lanes 250- or UPI' doors. Realty k. i 1 Sill .1,7 ASSUM.E Park.

Only already moved. 1,2 Penn, 3 bedrooms and kirge Pet, utilities peidS110 (34.V1 neet in every rm. Newhouse I executive ouolex, ail conoinienc- LUSt 2(id S.Juil. 359-68'22, vv. 5 mos.

Me, well finisnart inside. FAMILY COMFORT yard with mature trees and gar- n. Petite( 53,14,101:, IS Advance fee Hotel. sth So. and Main.

SOUTHEAST carpeted 3 PS MN Terrell Cr (145 In- Sad seller is tranferred. Listed fl'''' nuire or call atter 2:73 m. i 106 359-59 1 NO DEPOSIT, re lease kids, FALL WINTER SPKIAL w'emed "ea' itil) TerredCr.56L3o63,,:254. -7176 OAK HILLS nytm- pricer. .,,,800: Loan balance, In Hunter.

3 kitchen built- den. Margaret Puller, 2771288. LUXURY By and golf. 6 5erl 5416, 9.. mo Only S100 Ins, May rm.

2 fireplaces. dbl. Louise Londeberg, 266-1414, pe ok, Easteicie for $IG01340S1 Nice 1178161 (6) advance fee. Liili HOMES study. indoor heated Pool.

martne timing costs 3 Plse 2 garage, and more to Reducer' 456-34 88. PetTne-4 9-e4----- $-3 Advice fee- rooms and kitcheneite4 SSO pig TOWNHOUSE SLEEPER PMrartre, IVO UP, 3iXo ot4on By own so Georia baths. Beautiful rnountam view. $42,900. PRICE REDUCED ne, SECLUDED SOUTH canyon DIN ULGE ans must se Trferre, ll.

east. call to see, 4 ut Mote'. -rt area. 'r POrm. Nana, Lie taricy trrn- .112 baths, formal din- 1 irao ta jppt -S privatp trifiroK JUST LIKE NEW This home has been reduced 73.7,Pc Rill Ilfill I t' ishvi Apartments RENTEX Rental Agency 534-0900 NATION'S RENTAL EXPERTS TOP NOTCH 2 berm duptek, fenced tor IA 3422) P.teteit S34-41omi SIR Advance $OO BUDGETED leS wry, abire, rno0ern awls.

Yhady yard 1344Si Pedtex S30-0020 120 Advance tee CAMPUS 2 tvirte. that allows Pet, utilities paid S110 (3AV) Rentex 534-09 $20 Advance tee NO DEPOSIT, no lease, kids, pets ok, for $IGO (3.40SI Rentex 1344000 $20 Advance kr FREE UTILITIES with fancy 7, 1976 ROOMS kickt I IDS men needs mate konwt, mate to share 3 lyirrn. borne. $ICO) Alt utils. turn.

Call 571-12. tkiCE ROOM. quiet horne, or working men. bait), 435-3106 U. laumiry quiet, mho.

entr. 100 'NEAR "TOWN, tog k4o. State, ISS $10 utUs. Daid, 328-9867 SFIK. $26.50450 'a.

orivate attest rots, ideal for and Mice wog, ceoter a city. Maid service. dean, Quiet with 24 br, switchroard rottee shoo, tounae comfortable Meant neat in every rm Nevatouse Natet 4th So and Mein. FALL WINTER SPK1AL Nice warm oyolortaiNo sleeping rooms and kitcoeneities. SSO ari.t Mcr.

Yft4 kouses Valley Homes Information Service UTAH'S PENTAI EXPERTS opc 1 days zes S. MO E. JUST LISTED larger 3 bdrm tome, multi hens, family room, formal dine, Murray area, bud. get, 487-11161 (6253) advance fee. DOUBLE VALUE no bilis to pay.

Horse property surrounds cozy 2 southeast location, S160. (ai i advanct leo. MOUNTAINSIDE RETREAT view from cotter, styled 2 Iwirm. home. MI carpets, $140.

467-8761 (9923) advance fee. SOUTHEAST carpeted 3 bdrm. borne, privately fenned. family to med. university area, SIM 4 7 -8 7 6 1 (on) advwce fee.

SECLUDED SOUTH canyon area. tiLirm. hone, (aricy Per ter-t New, larne sorb-loos dixplex. 2 trirrrn balhs, dishwasher and retrio air carnet and drarms, laundry hootsons and oft street Parking, rm Pets, $276 3369 EckSCRS (a0PrOl. uS E) 666.6621.

SI8S- 4-re. 2 snan caci air, said Imokups, disP, retr.o., stove. TV plug in rUrtains, draoxis. tarvort, pacn, adolt, no pets. 261S Win.

clw St. 1 036.1091 $190 plus Modern, 2 ncicm home, fireplace washer dryer hookups, carOort storage, fenced yard, carpets, East Midvale. 34o snsokers or pets. 2 children or 25 i 37,15. i t.h-Is sate, close-in, very nice 2 bdrm, apt, stove, carpeted, draped, air cond.

1,206, AMture couple Only. No nets. 487-eo2O 4666815. to lovely 3 executive duplex, all 0)(14firilenCes A94 Terrell Cr. 1,195 Inquire or call atter 233 rn.

YlOIS Terrell Cr. Sal -3963, 26. TOWNHOUSE 2 litf baths, format 3.40---5torts anti Offices OFFICE SPACE EXCELLENT LOCATVDNS a5a sq. ft tiff) sq. 1,782 sq.

ff. to S.000 ft Chop down. to or locations Pre off street prkg. Favqrable lease ror Jeta4s. call 328-862 BETT LYON REALTY intlustrial Brokers PRIME DOWNTOWN LOCAPON 16,000 sq bldg.

Fontostic jiff sveet parif irg As is Of remodel to soe tennant Po! D- Mr ones 250 East 2(id 359-0822, 359-5911 SLEEPER oixt inot-S private offices. and Stc Hvgl STORAGE, 12x1S or iarper, toil doors, fences, Private, kry. Nea Sone, West lempie. STORAGE units or smail 5585 326 262430, 561-2719 SEE F-Storacr units, many sum from SE 5 per mo. 11.2140 CANAGOS SAWDY.

Nevi stow oarages, laroe units. 10 fl doors. wisp warsWouse and offite spare avaa. 9450 S. Sto 561-0001, 571-52V PAL Storauie-11X30, 10X10 doors.

Rent 12 rots 12fh free. 295,7175 Frt. IttrooOrt Sun. days. 14' 12' witft 10' door located.

Also chan link fenctd ares. $1.51. itt6-926a, 25.541144. STORAL. lb-26.

10 ft. ovreheaa door. 419So. Main, 266-0684. 13)-(32; or UPI doors.

347 So. west 'remote, 262-7613. LUXURY HOMES INDULGE 3 may Aocves OWNER ANXIOUS TRANVERREO 3 3 a car gArrage tart, rrn and game room. Natural setting arirti stgarn 9424019, 944-72SS 5 BEAMS. 3 baths, big living rm.

aryl dining 1302 ft. kit. Sprinkler system, 2 furnaces, Rif view of cily an each floor, 5,400 sq. ft of noase and storage, more than you can believe! Above the Blvd. 5813,098 3546 1610 E.

278-8196. One Acre baths, fireplace, built-ins, dining room. Price range 850,000. OualitY you must see, all riC. aluminum trim.

Due garage. B. J. Realty 262-33i1 9434519 OAK HILLS FP? and golf. 6 bedroesns, study.

indoor heated Pool. marble entrance, 3,300 ua, 3,300 down. Transferred, must sell. By ownq1 4410-41cones for Sale NEW LISING Sucar House area. Brick r3rnb4er, 3 Oarms.

on main I bath, trg, ivir part. bsmt air cond. Beautiful yard with sPrink. sys patio, Pare with AorksrIcn. Call BM C001-ini 277484 SEUER TRANSFERRED Is kiss is vow gain! Immaa, tate 4 level brick, 3 yrs.

cud. A bsautiful tkere in prune so east I. 3 22 master suite plus rm. for more. U2 baths, daylight rec.

rrn. with fireplace. Gorgeous view! ilbfe. garage, prof. landscaoed and fenced Pr it.ed Ct.

Cat! Al, 17 4249; Ava, 217-71135. NEN LISTING ASSUME mos. ok, well tinisneg inside Sad seller is Listed Price of Loan tbalance, 941,916, 9 $399 me. Only S100 timing costs. 3 OIL 2 baths.

Beautiful view' So. east. Call to see. Georgia, 21iF1 i4 Bill, 4C4444ne0ork4 OUT THE COLD'? Slav warm fl this toteliv eiec. home.

4 BIG try kitchen, evtra insulation, many ex tras. Sandv, brawl' 144's. NEWBORN Just arrioect! kg. family mt. firtishel Granger, ancier $39.401.

GET OUT CA Mat crarnevel ant and move into nes 2 borm. cube. West Jordars VERY ASSUMABLE $10,003 down, and only $250 Per month. 3 Bann. rambler, polo.

air rre.d., gatic, dire Storage. Roger Rawlin 299-1677. WON'T lbrAT For ibls 3 bdrrn. near Liberty Park. Only Va900.

Saber's have already moved. FAMILY COMFORT In Hunter. 3 kitchen built-ins, family 2 fireplaces. dbl. garage, and more.

Reoecea to 642,9043. JUST LIKE NEN 400-14ones for Ststo S5900-Willow Creek COUNTRY CLUB AREA Bi.autifui Contempt, ary with unique fltyw plan arid cathedral ceilings, large Private Pack with SPKtaCi.liet, liPet00, rignt! Jesi Reid 278-on4S, La Voile knese 942418a, Max Hughes 5830032 DON I MSS $33. tor 4 year old split lencald yard, fruit trae, dartwn spot, Dtitch dacor VA loan assumption aryl save lean costs. Max Hughes 5131071a, Dick Collett 2r4901, Lee 571-7776. Roy Jones Stli-V241 JACK R.

LEE REALTORS 166-2130 SOUTHEAST FOR $33,500 1,2 baths, 3 bedrooms and large yard with mature trees and gar. den. Margaret Fuller, 277,1200. Louise Lundeberg, 266-1414, So6-364k. PRICE REDUCED This home has been reduced Over 1300 ft.

I i PERFECT HOUSE! Lovely area, close to Cottonwood Mall. Ran bier features 4 2 baths totally rtew kitchen, redearated throughout. 2 car garage. Nice yard. $49,991 call Georgia, 217-7775; faiti, 277-4842.

SUGAR HOUSE PEALTY 466-8658 NEN LISTING Beautifully maintained older home in choice E. 3 newiy remodeled kitchen, baths, Main bath recently remodeled, din. rm. with buithin china cabinet, family room, fire-Place, central cooling. Exterior lust painted this fall.

Lovely yard with plenty of rocrn for that garden mpd spring. Prided to tell at 339950. Call 943-3118. COTTONWOOD HEIGHTS No stairs In this 3 bedroom 112 bath rambler on lovely maturehr ialidsCoOoki lt. For.nal dining, 2 car garage, lois of storage.

VA appraised and approved DriCe of 278-9272 or 9434437 for private inspection. POSSIBLE ASSUMPTION This bedroom, 112 bath, brick family home is lust right for yOU if you have youngsters in all schools. An easy care house In a landscaped yard with garden sPam and fruit trees. 1-car garage family room, formal dinOiXopaocy by Lan 1. priced priced at $41,950.

FHA. VA offers considered. 278-9222 or 943-8ATJ. Wessmon-Sper ing REALTORS 487777 SUPER CLEAN CLOSE TO ALL SCHOOLS AND SHOPPING! 3 berirorrns. 2 baths On Main floor.

fireplace. Full basem*nt for expansion. $44,95 0 and Open to offers. Melba Lindley 484-26I6 Dennis Walton 262-5018 TIRED OF STAIRS? LOOKING FOR PRIVACY AND SECLUSION? We have lust the house for snot Spacious home with large dining room Ift 19 living rt0m, fireplace. New kitchen, new roof, refrigerated air.

new water and sewer lines. large patio, rouble garage, circular drive. $48,950 AA4, tie C1rsidu Kay Walton Bob Hutvr 277 778 5 27R-5140 272-1924 MC P.EAiTOR 272-4205 NEW 1.611 No M-r. oLYMP COVE 4 bedroO IK rn brick, dbl. garage, swim pool, covered deck and patio.

Under Bank terms. Call Beecher 272-240C. EAST MIDVALE oEortoom Near Hi licrest High. White brick on large kn. Nearly new, obi.

garage. Near $70,000. Asurne Or refinance. Chvimo dllAitAlb. Call Blaine 227-8228.

SANDY 2 bedroom 'Mtn room grow. Only 5 yrs old. lot with garden soot. Easy to as44- one. Under Sylann Call Blaine 217-2222.

(RANGE bedroom brick, 2 fireplaces, family room, large dbl. garage, and extra parking. Fruit tees. Lac, low $als. Will sell at bank appraisal.

FHA-VA terms. rail Boh 298-1974. BEECHER REALTOR272- 2400, 235s, FHA-VA, CONV 3 SUBDIVISIONS TO CHOOSE FROM (Equal Housing Opportunity) POLARAS GARDENS S600 01. I.4:4 IS, OPEN 10 to DARK Take advantage of 76 prices and lowest interest in along tinsRsmbers and SPlitS, full basem*nts. HECTOR VILLAGE 1800 West 1650 Vae-4101 OPEN 12 to DARK LOw interest Come see our new homt! -3 and I Bedrooms.

Ram biers and Splits, Wide Variety. SKYVIEN SUBDIVISION uon 4160 West OPEN 1210 DARK Croce ol all or Partial brick. CHATEAU REALTY 2784672 HOLIDAY HAPPINESS is this darling 3 berm some In Sandy. Large master bdrm. with area.

Fire full ba.kme4. Only 3 yrs. old and be tter than new Call jane 18-1105, 278- SOtiNTIFUL First time Herod. Large brick home and lot 3 rtra kg. Ij nd basem*nt.

Ex. cellenf location. Immediate POS. session for Qualified purchasers. FOf all details call Al 262146, office 218i 4680.

ARMS OF HOLLADAY 4657 Snoth 2100 East 21846a6 REALTORS CUSTOM BUILT RAMBLER GRACIOUS LIVING in this ones owner home. Tastefully throughOut. 3 bdrini; 2 baths, FORMAL DINING ROOM, huge tamity worn, 2 fireputte5, Tile, mane windows, ioads Of 4abi nets and built.ins. Walk out lower ittvel. Horne be ideal to apt.

Choice secteo covered Patio with but-le grin and barbeigue. 12'k18 Po03 This sharp Property is real. I worth seeing. EXCLUSIVE SOO Evenings roll 4.85-!868 26411635. 467-4144 582 2896 363 0503, 484-6319, 4843862, 155-1833.

WICKS SA s861 so EAST FHA VA PRICED IN 405 S2500 to 132,000. sq. wiih fancod and spcinkled yard. Brick rambler, fireplace, leundi room. Present all offersFHA, VA, Steve Singleton, 272-6837, Margaret Euiler, 277-12e0, 406-3846.

HOOPER-BALISTAEDT 1326 South 900 East 406-V146 UNIQUE' ELEGANT! Everything awgt This attractive borne is "extra East bench well planned, all brick, 4 booms. with firept, lush landSCSPing completely fence, formal dining, magnificent vieci from wrap around sundeck, accessible from .1 sliding glass doors, extra large lot. Call Al Olson S6l-439a. IMPERIAL 24-hour (ado pagu 487-2218 Equal Housing opoodunity A REAL imreaculote 3 yr. old bi-level home in lovely So.

West area. 3 toe. main hone tamiiy room with fireplace, Ige. master bedroom with fireplace, dining own. cathedral ceilirde, attached 2-car garage, washer, dryer, air 108-is finished.

A BEST BUY tor $18,100. Will trade for a farm. Call Roger, 1814460; Bob, 278-9151, Frank, 277-7503; Orson, 3634197; Keith, 277-1866 or office, 487-9en. CENTURY 21 Bob Allen Realtors, 187-9871 SNUGGLE UP to a crackling fireplace, in fact this house has three, strategicaly located in tivirg room, family room and master bdrm. Exceptionally nice home with many extras, all built-ins includiras microwave oven.

3 PI baths, oversized two car garage, fenced yard. Only 2 yrs. old, located east Sandy, listed at owners anxious. clout call Janice, 2W-5552i Jack, 583-1551; Court, 162-7166, Margaret, 582-3057. Meeks WiRTHLIN Realtors 23' Sn.

13th East GREAT BUY $35,950 3 bdrna, 134 bath with family room down. Beautiful all brick home in South East ioction. Cali Bob 561 6489 or Jon LOVELY HOME $37 flo Attractive 3 bdrm.I bath borne with covered patio and beautiful twalscaping. Sandy area. Call Jon 9624678 or Bob 5614189.

RIDDLE INC. REALTORS 167-7751 NEW BRICK RAMBLER WEST JORDAN Exclusive area, 3 bedrooms on the main time, 2 baths, 2 7 car Started wagp main floor utilities, beautiful kitchen with all built-ins, 1,506 sctuare feet LbP and down. Priced in tte low 50ts. For further Information cad C.J. Lindquist at 166--191.

Redltors ab-art SOUTHEAST 845,900. BEAUTIFUL all brick rambler. I 2 baths. Over 1,650 94 ft on main floor. olus full tamt.

Ex la large kitchen and dining area. MAIN Ft Orffi UTILITY. Large double garage. Owner transferred. 272-42E.

Eves call 4ruce 206-21066, Jac 943-1397, Craig 9434173. Livingston 272-422 1 REALTOR LOCATION! Location! Location! Close to WI schools inctuoing St. vincents. Better Man new bedrooms, 3 barns, every Inch finished to per, large family game mon formal dlnng Merl. irS Glee Richards, 3e1-1469.

Florence Birtcher 271-2I22, Wally Orr 186-1122, Dick Owen 27S-3594. HI DESTER Realtor 481-5775 VETERANS! GOT NO MONEY? New tomes available now, See us toy aorin 272-2259, iiiCr Williams, 299-6687; Mike Comi le, 5624753. UNITED HOMES 2574 Rectwood Realtor 972-6055 Eoual Housing Opportunit9 PAINT FOR DOWN NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT HOME YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. WE'LL. HELP YOU WI IH 'TOUR UNITED HOMES 972 6055 266-4450 Equal Opportunity Housing HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL Any reas.

offer considered. 3 brirm. rambler, irg. lot. Excel.

Sandy loc. Call us, we'll show you! EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME In West Jordan. Brand new! 3 bdrms 2 baths, 2 nick fireplaces mem lir. See it You'll want itt 9 43-7418, 561 1014, 5614291 ARBOR ENTERPRISES xFCLJTIVE HOME EAST SIDE Vacant! Move ir for Christrnesl Low price Or very nice area New appraisal lust In Alot of home for the money. Undpr S60, 01.

For call. Herman, aili-9260 or Mar ilyn, SEVY REALTOR OUP BEST Brelng on golf course in Murrev. Shi.111) Vi old bt idc and cedar home. 3 2 baths large I. rm.

with Fleai dui View Of Price See.05e. Ronnie 942356. Cnris 266-2tA3, Itariene 32243ie. Sett' 272-0727 or Adrienne 271-402. WILKINSON SS years in S.

I Rea! Estate 364 East 3rd So. Readore 363-2401 OCCUPANCY 2 bdtnt I r)diO, remodeled tAcp hoH 14.oy oidn Old hsliiryled oig 21a4P1 Judy, Ph isei; oftice b92 1115ifIP this remodeied Kearrts beauty. New kitcnep carpets anu paneling, Paw lin 249-1617, Rimer 256-3732. KEHL REALTY 966-4206 I'VE GOT A SECRET Large Southeasterly located trJme with beautiful 10 tool deck oft the kitchen and many extras. A steai at 1 knave i couldn't keep a secret.

Call Blaine 571-7123 or Fans 2784501, STOP SEARCHING Mi Ikreek You'll love this three bedroom home, has two bar in family room. Many built in extras, Only 148.700. Call John 942-3311 isr Blaine 571-7121 OPEN HOUSE 2728 East Pox End Or. (9400 See excitIng Fox HO4i0V1 today, between 100 PM and dusk. 900 and Up.

Call Hans 278.5501 or Will 278-6769. TRANS-WEST Rea thi 566-0641 DON'T OVERLOOK THIS BARGAIN Sandy locatiOn, 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, all new appliances including refrigerator, new carpet and drapes throughout. This houw hes a double car garage and covered polio. Will sell for C.I. Appraisal, ne Ines costs.

Don't delay. Cali NOW. Ray, 581-9240; Allan, 266-1123; Russ, 943-8771 or Carol, 667-9119. IMVIEDIATE POSSESSION Beautiful three bedroom house. Nes lovely light family room, two fireplaces, two covered Patios, double garage with electric opener.

41, landcrApm with Wrinkling system. Call today. Ray, NII4240, Ai Ian, 266-1123; Russ, 943-8771 or Carol, 467-9119. Priced at Ray S. Tucker Realty 484-5217 Sr 500 Move to Gleornmir Planned VILLAGE AND ENJOY THE AMENITIES OFFERED 3 tedroorns attractive kitchen, living room with fireplace, beau tiful decor.

carpeted. many extras include electric door for double garage, inter-nma. conditioning, large amusem*nt room. BRAND NEW AND READY FOR YOU. Call 278-3'73, 35S-9907 or 322..0770 $34.5913 CLOSE TO TOWN Attractive home with separate basem*nt apt.

home on main floor has 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath. All carpeted. Let the apt. help YOU get starlet; in tt evcellent home. Call 355-9267, 966-5720 or 372-0726.



MUST SEE! Call: 355-622N 2954660, 29S-5805 or 295-8799. No Ail Onts. XXXXXVYYYXYYYYYYX.XY FREE-MARKET-APPRAISAL LEAVE YOUR WIFE At tome unless your ready to busl this spotless 4 level kyle, Only '2 years. All rooms at a extra large. Lnoice East lotion.

Is in an area of fine new tomes. Selling tor oniy 138,500, Just list-AO Mike 487-3947, or 451-dill. S-E-X See Everything )(Citing in this fine trume. 2 large Full walkout bsng. Door is like a shilw plate, maintenance free const.

brick and aluminum. Don't wait, a real boy at only $33,030. Call Cal 571-5778, Pat 266-9561 or 4874111. FUTURE Realtors 47-4111 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GOOD INVESTMENTS 2 Homes close to St. Marks Hosoitai with potential for doctors offices or clinic.

SPANISH BEAUTY On over an arre of horse propertv in secluded area. 3 bdrms- 2 baths large living room, knits bsmt. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL Be in by Christmas, 3 bdnr. split level with 2 baths, frisks, deck with view. Choose Your own colors now.

For MOM detaits Call: ELLEly. LEE, 255-0119; DEANA, 256-2952, DOROTHY. a66-660, MuRHL, RAMADA REALTORS 363 East 33rd So 181,5164 S.E. DREAM HOUSE Super clean and sharp tri level wth great yard and patio, plus attached gar. ABSOLUTE DOLL HOUSE inrade and out.

Owners moved. Price reduced to l35.9oo $0 you Can enloy the trek. trns Xmas. Call Art. 4875157.

BELOW 13 ROOMS-HOLLADAY All finished in this beautifully ddcorated borne Formal office. game rm. TN, rootn and 4 brirms. are just a few extras. includes 4 firerlams, 1 furnaces and wet bal.

Call now te we this him Priced to sell dt only S56.001). Liz, Q8L Jay. 943 3035. CENTURY 21 MCAFFEE REALTOR'', 77 2613 "IilLtOW CRFEK' Tr)P THIS IS YOU CAN $49.901 tor a 130sci ft. home mit 2 bath full 5 old Spanish oal windows, beautifully decorated.

Call for appointment to see, Brian, 44- 56 4. Tom, 532 733, Franic, 5111- 0192, HOL IADAY 5. Don't miss seeing this erbilish gable nicer home in ex. condition Formal dining room, 4 bdrms, 2 baths. on-dated largo lot.

water shares, wor 2 car garage and the whole tof. Call Brian aa4-6614, 532- 7 1:,3. rank SWALLOW Pjior 0" re 1571 Cr 'LE SALE I AILED tiPSTkiiRs DOWNSTAlk, Each floor has a lovely, big kflfpfl floor wo; trq, PLUS $4, bedroom', yrd with excellent ndscApI'sied in 00e, MY bc.94 "CREATIVE" secretarial office-conference ranm-, ich cianeling-comuletely carpeted-ref air conditioning-excellent storage an drthm of parking. Excenent southeast area Eves. M.

Olympus rf. )1 CHOICE BOUNTIFUL SHOPPING CENTER We have varying sties of shoo-ping center S113CP availabie. Location is ideal for prefessiamO or retaii ouliets. Area is wellestabiisced residential Call Jaen Dawson, 29S-2371. Dawson Peal Estate Co.

FOOTHILL BLVD. LAMPLIGHTER SQUARE, 1615 Foothill! Blvd, fw0 LOCO so. ft. units availaule. Prestigious itIGStion, free curbside parking, ideal for office or retail purposes.

ROMNEY REAL ESTATE 521-3533 LAURE1WOOD COMPLEX OFFICE SUITES 1343 South Sh.fe Arrpie Parking Easy freeway acCeoS Conference Poor. Spa Janitorial Eind UttieS Included Call 487-9655 DELUXE OFFICES 240 to 2,000 Sq. ff. Carpets, drapes, air janitorial, Oils. ample panting, excellent location.

New freeway. 487-5753; 582-0762; 4M-7834. 2521) SOUTH STATE VALLEY PROF. BUILDING GRAYSIONE PLAZA EXCLUSIVE SUITES, pteasant surroundings. Janitoriai service Ind 5 room suites.

1174 East 2700 So 4664215 OFFICE 375 to 2,000 Q. ft. So. Main St. Carpeted and air co.

Ground floor with ample off Street narking. Webber Realtors 484-4305. Eves. Jerry 486-2078 or Sterling 582116. OFFICE snare for immediate occupancy.

Can located in prime downtown area or east of Sugar House, Spaces start at $80 cer Inds. ample of street parking. air cond and urns. Can bc1141 to suite tennent. Cali 5.13-11165 MAJOR Ice Cream restaurant franchises available In several Western States.

Some existing locations may be franchised. Average gross over 6403,000. Contact Richard Bennion at Simons 261-4121. 613 SOUTH ifel EAST Can be remodetesi to suit tenant Excellent offices tor Doctors or Pmfessional neon. An Pro.

650 to 1,700 sq. ft. All services METROPOtIT AN -PLAZA 2480 SOUTH MAIN Great location, beautiful new building, Suites 400 to 1200 Sq. tt Ali services furnished. Call 466-2223 Or 404 6907 RETAIL and Office Space Avail.

in Granger Shopping cg.nter 966-1473. DELUXE OFFICE Leasing 1200 sq. if Plush carpet and beaut. wood Paneling. 3000 Highiand Dr.

Suite D. S325 per month. 359 5913 or 3594822 NEW FOR LEASE Deluxe offices and warehouse. 3,300 to 7.000 sq. ft.

(1,100 to 2,200 so. ft. offices). 346i So West Temple. 262-7t73.

OFFICE SPACE for lease. $450, all Om incl. 90 sq. 3 exam. rooms recent.

and office. Sots of sine office pito Close in S.L.C. Medical Square. 25S-0714 Phelps Realty. DR'S.

OFFICE SPaCe for lease' $ASO all utils. incl. 950 sq. ft. exam moms, recent.

and office prkg. Close in SoL .0 Medical Square 256-0714 Phelios TWO Executive offices. Reception carceled. Air cond. Warehouse Ceiling.

IS50 sq. ff. Night fighting. Trash removal. Maintenance furnished, 80 West Truman.

intl. 48A-45i1 884 sq. ft of beaut. offices. Carpeted, reffig.

air cond. Priv. entrance. Pt.ate rest NU111. furnsn IloMS.

heat Soter'S 972 for Ron, Sam. Jim. 1200th Coffee Shoo with equipment. good location. 1810 So.

Main. Ph. 486-8811, Mrs. Martin. OFFICE WAREHOUSE for lease 13,038 soft.

of office Rent 1,7 or all Just off earl So. freeway entrance. kik Sc. Riverside Dr. Murray.

201.4,51 15.000 so. it of warehouse including 2,000 office space, RR trackage and truck loading co*cks. 2 Necks from city. for lease, 61500 me. Can Owner, 328-7075 2 DELUXE officers avail.

850 sq. ft. New bong, now compl, Nice Spanish design. arOund level units. Right off of 1-15 at 33r4 So, Very reas.

rent. 406-8406' 278-87801 1.0,:e9,1 ft. with 2 private offices and wet her. Off street parking. 272 East 11rd South.

SISO Per ma. 467-41300r ir35e30 Office space, containing 6 offices arid reception area. 565 East 21st So. Rear parking. $ASO or 523 FOR office sPace, 900 to 4.000 sq.

will remodel to svit client's needs. 531.0152 NEAR 2IST AND MAIN Deluxe 2 rooms, carpet, drapes, (this. furn, SKI S200 2)61 Regent St f85-2011. PVT OFFICE FOP RENT with shared recePtiOn room and felePhone service insurance office. Prime 261-4747 helAveen 9 3.

OFFICE SPACE for rent 3 sepa rote rooms. e00 SQ. ft 545 So. Gale SI I bet. 3rd and 4th West), 531-654.

OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE. $2.50 to 50 sg tt Main st ation, in town. Parking avail-Dip Harold toi11. sPigaN FOR LEASE: Office with warehouse space. i'Ale sq.

h. Utilities pd. 540 mo. 11-10 So. State 41 1031 2 EXCER-T10NAL soTN.s IS A-- mansion.

Zero, ser tYPam, free parkIim avail. 355 OOPU, eves. 5153-214. New, plush office and Wilt be ready I. 9450 So.

5t1' W. 561-0a11, 51 New storage building for rent 34 o40. $150. 1115 S. 1143 SS 262 1475.

rIff Deluxe Carpeted, air and otos. 3o5 West 21X So 4184-588: OFFiCE clod wareflouse sciare se, rent Near airoort New bidu 718 Norrh, 7200'Aest S32 154). ioea So Maim' aKesci tt. otfces storige All or cwt. Pie P165, Ask hr Pau! Benton.

Office avail. tort-Mg at 51, and up See Manager, Newtsxise fleiel Ph Sc Sse So. ft 3 offices, cmd otirk if 19, E. 3Jr1S 271 0311 AND 511011ACA GOA accPs5 icom tr; tw.3, NEA, 7c, at ratt, S25 Per mo S21-11d24 VtON'H RE ,4 Hool' PM! 6 $20, v'E tor qar tk, tth 414 ,6,64 FACE FOR OM S1c i4') 13ro SO 44 A k4; IPrt 1,14 new carpets, Only $93 atoSI Rrintex S34-0900 870 Advance fee RENTEX Rental Agency 534-0900 151 E. 9th So.

1535 E. 33rd So. 00,41 7 Dnysit rr -9 HUNDREDS MORE! ALL AREASIALL PRICES Volley Homes Information Service UTAH'S RENTAL EXPERTS open 7 days 2038 S. 703 TIGHT BUDGET coil, 1 smartly access to tow), all utilities, $75. 74761 (6324) advance fee.

BACHLORErtE PAD neat and clean I centrally loc. for bus, ell utilities paid, $90. 0761 (844) advance fee. NESTLED IN TREES specious 2 exceptionally turn. Orin() rover and kids, heat S130.

1ll7-11761 (e622) advance tee. COUNTRY SUNSHINE quiet I exquisitly font dualex. MOEIPM shoos close bv, $6. 48141761 (6113) advance fee. POOL SIDE elegant 2 dISHrtivety central conveniency ptus, monthly, 1).

46743M1 (6103) advance tee. Cozy RETREAT attractive 1 term, close to town, haat ample closets, monthly, $95. 4878761 (6961) advance fee. Valley Rent Ls Information Service opsn tel a data, 2038 S. 700 E.

These are lust a few CROSSIZOADS I 2 totally turnisned. Great location. Air cond. Color coordinated aooliances. Heat furnished.

Pool, club houi e. outdoor barbecue, much more. No pets 114 Ho. 900 West. 534-1499.

Furniture' No Problem Rent an unfurnished apartment and then rent the furniture you lieewith an option to RedcapsHwy; ram, bedroom and kitchen only 130 Per Large selection. Fast delivery. BEL-STYLE FURNITURE RENTAL 8.13.Wett20) So. 97.2122 CEDARCLIFF and 2 bdrns. apts.

CO10001'1' coordinated furnishings and ar0 barlee s. wired ter cable T. V. Rfautithily landscaped. Csnet neighborhood.

No pets. 322-3144. THE BRAND NEW CALEDONIA APARTMENTS Now ready 10 show and rent 1 and 2 banns. Walking distance to downtown Total etec. AMP Prkg.

4 EAST 61h SOUTH WON'T LAST ta4G cwio. secluded downtown loc nr. of U. Good neiontors. friendly Bevertifu ily decorated 2 bdrrn.

apt. All appit. Covered pareing. washing facile Must see anDrovri4to 07A W1.4'.'d. E) Apt.

07. S32147. S92.93, 1 hdrrn. at Wilt. exoael WK.

Parking, close-in loc. No children or pets. AIR) rent subs', dv available if you oualits through L. C. Housing Authority, 359-35A 355 4046.

13-ORM. furnished and oritur fished apartments, covered rsarkire lounory lactlities, and carnets. Rents start at $iff), 659 Easi 900 359- 2900. FALL WINTER SPECIAL tece wren apart. ments Se4.50 pet we.

end uP. Se Rancho, 640.W Norlt lernple. STUDENTS MODERN reasonably priced 1 blk. from U. part 531 7464 or S340801 2 BORM.

unfurrnsnee apart. covered PO ri(ing, laundry cities and carpets. Rents start at MO. 711 So. dee East, FURNISHED 2 bdrm.

house Wt. Purnisned 2 beam. bays. asrl. Laundry large vire.

Ampie Para keher area. For apot call 89-6526. STUDIO and I bi-ad-roomCloSe to and Univers' 1,. heat paO, no di.O4en no Prlat raoge tip to $37 mo 1st Avenue, 158-6837 I Ekdrm newiy roles. or singles, no rens.

245 E. 1st So aot 6, Service 2 Odrrn. turn. and unfurn77 locality, of street parkaig, 4aundry tociiitimi, rent stain at OLDER iiricry wood like active tenssie senior citizen. neat and ciean to share exspenses in my mono! bore.

3.58-894 CAPR.AGE LANE garden rfl tor 'ease. 2 hy rm am. rm beaut decorated, with Patio 8300. VS 172i. S'61 MODERN STU-Di0 and 617S7S sin BETR M.

apes Carpet, OrapPs, OAS incl. hr. church ott'ces. 277 Center St. asv 3684.

$165 NICE 2 txtrm carpet, (vanes, carnert stor. 134) So, 2rid East. Cale. rrtA fl 466- 2110: S32 I81 I CHARLESTON APTS. LoJely I txtrrn.

yew aPt. Carrier Jrn t.ttr. Last. 2 BORM FUSIN, covered Dorking. laundry Car wring.

Rent starts at 7l7 PI Cast LOVELY NEVI I BDRM cg)t eor cond. S'Si. 1328 So. s't East, rie73005: 462-8167 SLCS, 4 room apartment. all utiii tit* paid but Itghts Adults.

AON 2'22J 1st Ave. OF AREA -DUPLEX 2 or 3 bOrm. VA5, 16C So, 12h East, no pets, call Strai. MANOR APTS 283 EAST SO TEMPLE uo S32-9312! I F3ORM near downtown, Uni or a6k5934. GIRLS NEED roommate.

No no (oink Ave location, Se2.5Cmo plus utils. LARGE bdrrn. NOUse M. Easy wale to Must lake over lease agreement S32 26v5 ALK to A to snare $215, "cir, smokers. no Pets, 2 '321 Errs' Puuto Tempia, SCUT' 70' carpets, drapes, mozli-fireriace.

carport. 272.6812. I Utils incl. except its, SSS West Sai NO. 466- 7110; 51219,1 SSS Hair yogr own in eel 10, 4 galS, r61 id, mr, 7267.

West North 'temple, NEW (RAND HOTEL WELCOME Na, East corner DO 41fl SO. All doily and weekly rates incl. switchboar Sleeping rms, and efficientv by wet or ma. All otil knees hr, switch ideal downtevrn tor. Carlton Hotel 141 E.

So. lemon), 356-34111. 'ALL WINTER SPECIAL Nice warm oyntortable slating rooms S33 SO per es and OP. Se Rancho. 00 W.

hforth Temple. HOTEL MILES Datly and weekly tall-winter rates. 24 to elevator and switch. bard service 116 West 1rd o. SPARKS HOTEL, Nice ronms.

209 3rd West. $4.0 per night WOO weekly. Nice warm rooms. STRATFORD HOTEL aotWAS from Sig a eis. clean, respectable 10 E.

2nd So. beeir Street rates. 1731 Beck St I5S-17366. coot rogrns 149 iSe 222 W. 3rd South.

SPECIAL WKLY. rates. Kitchen. Evergreen Motel, 2020 So. State.

HOUSES ADULTS. Nice close In 4-dlex apt Heat, darage. Older coyote preferred. 485.1771 UNMINISSID HOUSIS HOUSES horse, 3 bdrms. S22S $200, 2 kids, pets.

Aims. V2 sc. for older col, 2 only MO, kids, pets. 3 kids, Pets, IA ac. S125.

3 Mod. Porch. opt. $20 advance left for 1 year HOMESEFKERS se E. 900 So.

M-1121 NO lionwide Rtntol Service HARVARD I 31H EAST Colonial Executive 3 2 Oaths, can3ets, drapes. ilopHanCei 041.01 washer and dryer. Lim. no InlokerS, 00 pen, no Sit191011. Avail imed.

Call Marion Landward, S83.0644. METCO REAL-TOR, 484-1039 NEW, luxury, view, cathedral cengs, 3 2 baths, iarge modern breakfizt bar. formal din. stone tam. morn, prof.

decorated, dbl garage, Sandy. 1-495 mo. 9128 So. Situnark Or. IMO E.

off 9400 So. end I 90 E1511-8920 or Sri -8757. NEW 3 BDRM. HOME Brick nagne on Quiet street in Granger. 112 baths, carpets.

drapes. dbl. full auto. sprit. major No vets.

1335. 266-5152. a BEDROOM home in Cottonwood area. Full finished basem*nt with bar 1.2 baths, dishwasher, disposal, 2 car carnort, fenced yard. Will tali chiloren, pets.

WO 265-4518 185-5984. LEASE Forrner Residence U.S. Dinlornat. I SPeCiOUS liv. and separate dining rms.

Extensive garden, Red Bute stream. cLDSe NICE 3 bdrm. home. a mos. old.

Landscaped, full double garage. East Sandy location. Now available. 1325 rm. 1150 deposit.

942-5295. SO61 So. CORN)VA WAY (1a30 East), 4 marble fireplace, air cond dishwasher, trash compactor, i.s baths. $325. 942-2113.

Chevy Chase 4 bdrms 2 barns, rec. dbl. incd. yd. Convenient to Schoois, Shoo-LOVELY 3 2 -bath' -home at 1220 Redwood Drive, $300 per rro, new kitchen, and more Cail 2i81))41dr 3 ftgali-R-DD-ek home in Ireerns, S250 mil.

no rrore than 3 dmOren, see at 4587 West 3035 So, 2505a5. Z1S, 3 ilretalace. paraoe, stove. mirk; hookups. 646 W.

llooftway f5600 So.) Service Properly SPACIOUS 3 bdrm. borne, lots of Privacy see to acpreciate. For exeriAlve yeor lease basis. 1.42.f, mo, 2,741.14. 2 YR, old home, near nevi Boonti IAA Golf Course, central air, dbl.

fkraPe, avail. Jan. 1st, 13641 792-0ift57. ELEGANT 4 bdrm. home in beautiful main floor familv and all the extras.

$4313 month. call 943-86e9 GRANGER HOMF 4rms.134 baths family room, air conditioned, fenced yard. Dishwasher, dratses, $300, 29181)42. BOUNTIFUL-3 tectroom, 2 bath, full basem*nt, 2-car Parade Deluxe home at 1981 South Ciatemon1S400 month. 292,207.

S250 lease. 6432 So 3rd East, bdrrry ranoe, carpet, tin. bsmt, MO Pets, non smokers. no singlets, adults preferred 464-1oes. S550 tho latge 5 bdrm, home, Mt.

Olympus area, rent wit 00 tort to buy. no pets, 272-2473 or 272-5010, MURRAY AREA, bcirm home. 3 baths, large ttrKe yard, 2 fl mat CarpetPO, drisws and obis- s35o (all 212 ms7 SPLIT Entry. 3 2 4rCi9e stoye, disposal, S350 nice Yard tor children NEW CarPoci. cat OPtS, SA5 $403 So 220) West.

261.1196 GRANGER 1 ye old 3 bdrth 2 batt, Partially finished bstrit, $265, S023 K00 W. 466 90,50 NICE 3 bdrm house. carpeted and draped, close-in. S2S0 mO. 571 36420r 363-01 ttittO 4 LARGE P(iiiikAS haft.

4.reP1 storage NO smokers, Pets or sirvoles 944114. Country riving In Holladay. clean doyley, 2 tram, rec rm in 9ar69, S260 277-3591 CLOSE TO UNIV. rm ittOCPCI Wood Ave lE 112 SO.) SZ2S 466 90S0 BE AUTIkUl Heber valley 3. tdrtn on 1 acre.

zoned $225 revs. 298- 2904 LARGE 2 norm house. I'M Per 7IS W. 700 no Pets. Cali 25S 7P9 or 9438273 S.315 MO 4 Ey baths, brick home, tented vari and 2 car garatte in Glendale 268-6666 CHOICE ioy.

2 borm to U. fenzed yrt (IOW dt pots, (trams, nopets S215. 2603916 3 PoRSAs new home, vicinity Oth 81.920 So Sandy 561.152,19 HORSE BR3PERTY, 3 ydrm tiorne, $243 972-3518, 277 6477. 3 2 Oaths floor tarrOli roam, torl aualry. Mot.

ra 3 3P 272-12. 3 BDRK. norne 2 baths flre place. acre iot Mf.race Lane. Murray 5225 Ski 41,4 NEW 3 ndroy.

113)4 So 2865 So. jOrCian $1S 571 2 BEDROOMS, t3i mrl oarotoe Yard. 1'32 SonCrSiCto, 26i-94i4 $I60 3 tairms thiidren Ok, 2T2 ucY Ave SO EMT BENCH s272 5C, 3 Oricios i -t baths. ramt 582-4032 sIKS. ioyely 5 room Car catraw.

yard iO4 Port St 3 BDPM, HOME KEARNS. 2 ISDRM home, parade witn titd 6333 COT TONwOOD, 2 tonerM void 21' I lr s200 tom W-0 usint 3 BORMS 3L4y wt 41(k. So $265 No oets. HOUSE tor rum, good ilis 582 8001 RDRM home gareme witn NAJw. ororl 212 mo 4 hot 0 41,041 BDRMS 410o So o.S No tx.t5.

7-99c4 tor rum, good' 5,32 40O3 I Wont ACIS I 3,506 su. 5 3 Paths. You finish 1,500 so. ft. 3rd W.

3543 ieldstorte Circie. $74,950 TARGET REALTORS 4 BDRSA. beatify on Big Cottonwood Creek. 2761 East 6200 So. acre.

336,910 TARGET REALTORS KEEP your 15prses across the street from this new 6 rambler. 2378 East Bridle Path Ln. TARGET REALTORS 7 vacant and waiting for your family. Great view. 4461 Par-ow Br 3159,500 TARGET REALTORS MOVE in during Holidays, 6 den, baths, 2 rec.

wet bar. Newir redecorated executive home on 1,2 acre park like Cove lot 3883 Evelyn Dr. $163,950 TARGET REALTORS ZCSAI HOUSE, potential 7,500 sn. ft. living area at 7347 Claim Jumper Circle.

$167,050. TAP Gr REALTORS I ACRE Cottonwood Estate, TARGET REALTDRS, 270-5279 RIVIERA HT'S, WALKING DISTANCE to all schools and county park complex. this 4 3 bath rambler is located on a Quiet cul4eSAC. Main floor family room, formal dining room, large covered patio and nicely landscaped yard. TOP CONDITION.

Priced mow Mrs. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. OFFERS. APPLE VALLEY Walking distance to CANYON RACQUET CLUB. This white brick home, only 5 yrs.

old, is in TOP CONDITION and shows Pride of ownership. Secluded oak coveted rear yard. Large covered patio. Finished family room and sewing room. 3 2 baths, dining area plus spacious kitchen, 2 fireplaces.

Nicely landscaped. Low 60's. Lail Dart Breckenridge 361104. Phil Sherician 262-6552, Dick Smith 502-3424. FIRST SECURITY 421 So.

Main REALTOR 350-5175 A CHRISTMAS HOUSE Two story luctor, shake roof, One of a kind Ibis home has antique mantie, windows, moldings, 000rs, etc. from an oid South Temple Mansion. 99512 Albion Cr. Vacant! 1-649-9423. 5033-0435, 583-1800, 467-2ose.

OWNERS MUST RELOCATE Too much house for the owners. Loads of procertY too, 1v2 acres. Zoned A-I, super elegant, rustic home includes 4 beittlis, baths. A truly oreat view of the city and lust 12 minutes from ihe heart of SIC. Prment all offers.

277-6005, 502-9564, 487-2936, 582-0978, 277-4947. 1240 E. 21st So. Realtors 466-8704 HIDDEN TREASURE MOuntain sodUSiOn and privacy are vnurn in Maiestic fenyon but we're not easy to find: Drive south 3100 East, from 9600 So. lust of a mile to view the ultimata in prestigious executive homes.

Our duality features in dude shake roofs. cathedral ceilings, rock fireplaces, redwocd dec(s, main floor family rooms, and more. Come see us it's a treasure hunt you won't regret. MAJESTIC CANYON ESTATES 10025 So. 310,) LAT LOW 942-1761 PRICE REDUCED! Only for this elegant Traditional home near town, choice East side location.

3 full levels, full view of c.ty from sitting area in master bedroom Leaded windows plus storm windows, shutters, elegant drapories. Truly charming throughout, To see, call Ruth Wendt, 272-3188, Janet Simmons, 943-1652. AAETCO Qealtor 436-1029 cOLD LA. MAKE AN OFFER ON THIS EXCITING COMTEMPORARY LOCATED AT 2759 EAST COMMONWEALTH (2290 8 MONTHS OLD, 4 BATHS, MAIN FLOOR FAMILY ROOM, FAMILY KITCHEN. UNEXCELLED CITY VIEW, OAK COVERED LOT.


EXTRAS you'll want to see to appreciate. Cali Gene 277-3698 BROCKBANK REALTOR WISH FOR A DREAM Your own wishing well is part of the landscaping of this cnarming Early American rambler. A dream kitchen for the family and rec. rooms, one be Of the whole famine. Priced in 60s.

Make VOtit dream come true-call tor more details. Jim Coffey. 270.7637. IMPERIAL REALTY 487-2218 Eoual Housing Opportunity MOVE LIP. This all trick rambler boasts an unobstructed view of the valley.

6 oOrms 2 2 baths, 2 and new carnets. E. location. Call barb 487-4711. S5 ,400 Pealto: Uniquely cleSigted PeoPecwOod home with fantastic view of Vsasatch range.

4 214 paths, main Pt wood floors, formal dining, 4 beautiful kitchen-family rm. Owner being ftasterred. Call cirolyn 262 7.SOS or office P''ALTORS CLOSE TO Large two story, 4 excAtli tent main floor fimily room oottl wol bog, miun tl.or utility, shake sew nt c1ty and Privfrl at 1.9,900. Call Pard 942 1 912 14' OWNER i9i50 5CI. ft rambler with finl beautifully decorated w.lh fa.tpsfic lot 3 barns, 2 baths, floor utility and tam rn firoolaCP, Net tar.

See tO appreciate 2704. East 912S South, 942-wri9 or ay, for Potty at 524-49714439On. PLACE -4'1 NNE lN HOME protestionally oncocatcal and landscaped. Cathedral reilinos. 3 borms diniNg car 'dictums 1) 4ott mos Club.

in) A311, i4ol 6 odrryl home ilArvo wtO rnicro.kavo anti asn rxrn oor ano Many ryritIv v). DA, uli; yard 'oily carpeted, Mown ool $ISO sal ano (6962) advance fee. EXCELLNT DEAL rmte bungalow styled 4 rooms, singles preterrol, fenced around with go. rage. PDS 74061 (6104) advance fee.

CRACKING FIREPLACE, we cions 3 iXtrrn Nino. tenred in for kids and nets, garage, workztats. $19i 41114061 (6371) advance fee JUST REMODELED good southwest local, newer carpets, every soots leisure patio, bargain. $150 48Z-Voi (6112) advance lee. AMAZING DEAL nestled in trees.

Lovable 3 heathy room, formal dine, patio, fenced, $190. 4017-0)61 (28741) advance fee, HAS EVERY-THING1 Sizable 2 Odra). home, washer with patio, carport, more, heat Pd-, 1195. 4874161 11124) aovance tee. LEASE OPTION rent or buY hugs 3 bdrin.

home, full basem*nt, carpets thru, kids, pets 041, $190. 4818761 (6284) advance tee. BENCH LOCATION rambler styled 2-3 bdrm. separate dining area, tree lined lot, mOnthly, $1. 497-8161 (7781) advance fee, LUXURY HOMES YALECREST Lofty 2 Wren.

home, bsrni. with laundnit room modern fenced. garage, $200 4814161 (6431) advance fee. Top OF SUGARHOUSE. Huge 4 'Arm.

home, family room, air and neat central, multi tams, spacioUS iertced yard, more. $295. 407-8761 advance fee. MURRAY LOCATION well carpeted 3 bdrm. home, washer, dryer included in recreation room.

tee. Dello, kids welcome, MO. (6841) advance fee. LUXURY FOR LESS ranch styled 3 lactrm hornet, central 1.uul 414 air tereets. fenced, ige.

garage, western local, 4674061 (6121) advance fee. Valley Rentals Information Service open 8 tll daily 2038 So. 700 East These are tust a few RENTEX Rental Agency 534-0900 NATON'S RENTAL EXPERTS MOVE FAST! Fancy Granger house with carnets, fenced yard, no tease, $150 (43911. Rentek 5344900 $20 Advance fee OUTSTANDING 3 PIM central air, secure garage, fenced for kids-pets. $225 (6393).

Rentex 534-0140 $20 Advance tee BUNWARMER! Southeast 3 tdrrrt with fireplace. garage, fenced for pets, SI95 (5403). Rentex 534-3900 $20 Advance fee HOMEY S105 Midvale retreat, carpels, yard 164010) Rentex 534-0900 $20 Advance fee GRANGER! Sharp 2 home, air, modern kitchen. SIA5 (40201. Rentex 534-0900 S20 Advance fee HEY SKIERS! Sourtteast 2 bdnh.

name, nicely carpeted, fenced, pets no lease. S140 (540201. Rentex 534-0900 00 Advance fee UNIVERSITY 2 phis fenced for pets, snatty carnets. no lease, Stnglei ok, S155 (34020). Rentes 534-0900 $20 Advance tee KICK BACK! Rambling 3 fully carpeted, fenced, nice en bui)t-ins, $ISO (343).

Rearm' 534-0900 $20 Advance fee HORSE FAC. On acreage In So. Jordan, 2 bdrm with fenced yard. bargain. 6170 (8412).

Remo( 534-0900 $in Advance tee SANDY RETREAT! Mode' house for WO fenced Malt. Renter $20 Advance fee FENCED tor family pets. nice Southeast home, only $120 (saint. Rentes 334-0900 $20 Advance toe WELL EQUIPPED Home witti plush carpets, fenced for kids-Pets, aeols St til3 t34710). Rentes 534-0e00 $20 Advance tee PURCHASE OPTION on Saedv metute home, air carpeted, 2 iaton bcoms.

for COS iaii22). ROSITi S34-0900 120 AdvarKe toe RENTEX Rental Agency 534-0900 151 E. 9th So. 1535 E. 33rd So.

OptA 7 Days 8 ALL AREA1 -AIL 3 1,4 baths, pisnwa5b. er, chsoosal, ramie, fireptace forchen. main Nor laundry, carpets, drooes. full bsmt- rec room, storage ids's patio, 2 car tmr fenced bad', yard, beaufituily imation. close to sip areas WO rm.

Inthiethatt. occupancy', 3 baths. thsth'yathPt ranoe, refra, fire Place. ma.rt nom laundry car mt, drapes, full bmt patio. 2 car it.traoe, LittO m.o.

Sandy 1emmtvr 15th, Call Ronnie kinq P35-5i1a 277,41" Homts ia U.UU x(fd len- tsd and oeorooms htowv room cpiraqts. or ma I room For more in-fOrrnw tion Wavie Dutsoo at 2ott P41tors 486 67i uP allSc 021 a NT COVE aiale 0' ta00 never tserOce re0Serl 3 torn, 7, room. retra4 oven. orssal cond 1400 so aPOr 74CSo E. 4.7, 4I01.

irUL ADA'? AREA 4 h14 4,14 44P mon, rood rm 2 space. 40k5 iA 44: borm I bAlt, opt.00 drvf' cono I 6(41) Sri r41 1 P.i Og.t I s.rN BY owner, $69,900. 5 3 hafts. Brick, 3,000 total elec. Oble.

garage, tor. etc. Prof. decorated, Indscrd. 481- 3919.

2948 So. Ida Cr. (1960 East) IMMACULATE CAPE COD Many extras. Newly re-dew ated. One of a kind.

Upper SOO's. 4631111, Ave, 328-3996. OPth hOUSt SILVER SAGE EST. 10025 So 101) E. MODELS OPEN ALL DAVNeiikS split foYers or ramblers.

all 3 2 baths, plush dscoation, dbi kor triple gar. over IA acre lot, Primd from $52,950. Agents in model home daily 2 til dark. OPEN DAILY 4086 Cherrodood (4415 S) FriA-VA, gond assumption, ariPraised $30,700 SPotless, imrned. occuPancy, lots ol room to grow.

BRAND NEW Mum. siding, see it you'll want it private backyard. nice landscaping. BDRMS. 4 year venni), newer home area in Sdnay, rougheo in family room and Liath in lower lave, quid; Possession.

Can purchase FHA. VA or assume a 7V2 loan with sizable down payment. $44,900 1 year young, 4 bdrrns, 2 baths, dark lava rock fireplace, double garage. Still plenty or room to expand in basem*nt New home area in East Sandy. Can purchase FHA.

VA or assume at 712 loan. $29,900 will purchase the 2 beim full basem*nt in West Jordan, large lot, lust lv; years in age, Won't last. BEAT RENT 1 bdrm cOrdemPOrarv condominium. Fireplace, kitchen, buiit-ins, carpeted, draped. Lk a new.

Won't laol Just listed at 324,950. GRANGER FHA, VA, 3 bdrm uo, beautiful rock fireplace in living roorn, full wall brick fireplarif in rec. room Newly painted, nice carpets, aporaisal ordered, nice landscaped. fenced backyard, excellent area. WE TRADES Nancy 441010 Cathy Jo 466-4068 Craig 266 0149 Carla 2554E64 Jean 487-6959 Klara 942-6079 Ace 277-3722 ACE AVERY Associates 48640V, 357 E.

So MARION VILLAGE 8125 South' 7th East '6 Attractive models -Double darades Main floor family room Large deep lots FROM $44,000 Oven Daily til Dark AT-LOW 561-1522 Beautiful 2 bdrm. wit Prceit at SX.150. Sated your own carpet and linoieum. Move in by the Holidays. Marie' Open daily, 7 p.m.

till dark. SKYVIEW SUB 4100 W. 6200 SO. Built by ROYALCREST HOMES Equal Housing Opportunity 966-3687 254-4292 299-5606 571-6829 262-2994 OPEN 2-5 SUN. Cltoie e.

so. east lac Soaciots rambler with 3 13M baths. tireotare, all kitchen built-ins. Redwood deck, full bsmt. Select your choice of carpet.

9180 SO. 1380 EAST. Fantastic Wel Low AD's. Ft-la or VA. Call Dennis Barker, 298 503E or 298-31n.

WALKER REALTORS OPEN DAILY 4-9 Centennial Homes at 7605 So. 1520 WEST, West Jordan. Prices to $37,000. Qua, dry huitt homes First choice of lois. 299- 30s3, 254-3939, 561-5084, 571-4659 McDOUGAL SS1 424 REALTORS 561-1414 GRAND OPENING NEW SUBDIVISION 0 W.

400 So. 2 pin till Dark. Sat. and Sun. Noon till Dark.

Mainteoance tree. 3 bdrm. Ramblers, 2 brirm. 5o 43 Entrys witt dbl. frolc.

You'll like our Price. Call Bob Ea UM Housing OPPOHUnity. LARCO REALTY 262-2994 OPEN HOUSE 11 till 6 BENNION PARK 3 6200 So. 2400 West 5 Beautiful homes, fireplace, ribi. garage, vent nitT Model.

299-3903, eyes. 255-4729. KEHL REALTY 966-4206 DRIVES? OPEN ALL DAY 7143 S. Tovencrest Dr. (2160 Vacant.

Immect. possess.on. 1 Lath, asr condition. New caroet and paint throupbout. Only $37,900.

Call 272-09060r 487-7028. REN-GAROFEALTOIRS OPEN DAILY I TO DARK New hemes in choice Sandy area. Aluminum sktinq hay wielow, stately columns, fireplace, big garage. Prices from s.38,500. 10 pct.

down. AWWPLEWOOD, 229 East 9400 South. Phone 571-3321. 2o6-9892. Egual 4c42sing Obportunti OPEN DAILY 0 to 6 p.m.

yno West 4200 South 2 or .3 boor. Split ontrses. wsrh rnnyentences. Spied tHe tuns now. EQUAL HOUSING.

GEM 2991665 OPEN How all week, oy -Owner air, ire. g. am( trim trees, obi. gar. 9.3S,s413.

E. 11:.0 S. 4944494. tr 14 StIi. 41011118818 ACPE )arge cuirOen soot.

FArn iv Home 4 Onto)s 2 00 2 )11 Forme) rre Conven tot Poor P)at) 11 Foiny the Etor 3s. Noce 262 1.110) Eves, Meiba 464 7224, I innA 943 5254. Scot 245-445, Dora 44k4 8249 Price cut to the bar, on this Of tcx 3 benroons home, 2 fireutac es, full basem*nt, extra large Fenced yarn with notg NH-, Grab you checkbook and catt now ok or Slarnos. Office 201-33in Ed 3091'14, Niai 327-Jut, Jeanne EASY On SliS beautitU! 3 bedroom arr rawn, or MOre I )t4 361, 29S :.,4 CENKRY 762 dining. ViiiD hookups, quiet Easisitte lac or aft41167.

Lovely 2 Ocirm townhouse, air condition. fireplace, dishwasher. disposal, washeriidryet f*ck-ut. patio, 4321 S. Mt E.

210 S141.4 FOOTHILL APEA EXCELLENT VIE 2 bdrms 2 baths, cansets, drapes, family rm. extras. $29S, S190- 2 carpet, drapes, all appliances, dryer chIld, no pets. 2319 So. 17th East 4041735 or 487-2573 NEW, 5225, deluxe dunNx, spacious, 2 tLJY arpeted, draped, air washer 'dryer hookups.

etc. Convenient 30th So. and 131t1 East loc. 4671043. i165-2 carpets, dtapes, stove, retrist, heekues, carport, and storage.

Woe area. 420 Welloy or 322:2847. $25-7 Deluxe Brand New, nr E7y-ot7 hill Village, 2 baths, trolc range. hookups. No writers, pots 5619566.

BOUNTIEldl, 2 bdrrns, tire-Place, drapes, stove, fridge, washerdryer hookups, no oets, 292-1781. DUPLEX, HOU. ADAv 49EA 2 tented yard. $230. P61 or 9425976.

NEWLY CONSTRUCTED. luxury duplexes. $265 mo. Call Brent 255-3761 or 942-596. $225 Upper Ayes.

2 pets, beautiful view, yard 614 13th Ave. Call for ap01. 571-8111. $150, 1 bdrm, newly remod. with bsmt, 162 Paxton (1185 Sol Service ProPerti Mgmt, 260-9450.

HOLLADAY. 2 btirrn air carport, storage, 1881 Wellingtun Cr. (45th 5250. 2781217 3 gar, close to DS How. and Worming center.

No Pets. 328-9937 or 583-0920. SiErJ, 2 bOrm. 4 flex, carpet drapes, aools hookups, carport, 3742 So. 3rd East, 262-1861.

LEASE-2 room Bachelor ant. Comets, drapes, S105. 2029 So. 3rd E. 943-7959 or 943 2960.

LEASE-2 full basem*nt, carpets, drapes, $165. 2029 So. 3rd E. 943-2959 or 943-2960. Location, two ordroorn, fire Place, garage 8275.

Utilities paid. Cali 481-3325 or 48S-1135. SiSo. 2 norm. ri-Plex.

Mci child. No drinns, smoke or pets. 457-6142. 1 BEAMS From MO to 1200. 1 in 13991., 3 drevelowe 1 in Granger.

533-8159 bet. 9-5 1160-- 1 bdrm range, drams, carpels, air no pets, 6720 So, 1st East, 266-1695. LUXURIOUS, brand new 2 bitirm. townhouse. $223.

Cali 2613-1998 or 434-1991. 3 bdrm. 1472 South 13th East. S240 mo. $IGs) deposit.

467-5504 or 583 2747. 3 Jones Court, $220 mil 1100 deposit. Call 467.5504 or 503-2747. DUPLEX IN WESILAkE. $220 Calt.966-6725.

$160. 2 carpets, drapes. Boni. 218-7u50. ROOM.

Children OK. 315 Post St. 581-9072. 2 BORM. duplex.

Shown by appt, only. 1,201, Plus dep. 496-9757. 5140--10 YR. Irg, I bdrin.

Newly dec. kilts. 9th E. 27th S. 3M-9257 $165.

LOVELY Iris. 4 rm. brick duplex. 856 Yale Ave. 5824403.

NICE- 2 bchyn. duplex, E. lot $0. 277-6506 or 328-2501. Granger, new 2 bdrrn.

duplex, crpts, drapes, 278 1)05. IINIAL AGINCIfS FREE RENTAL SERVICE Want an apartment We have over SOO units at 20 different south east lot to from. WILL TAKE YOU IN OUR CAR AND SHOW YOU THE APTS. Office 1804t, 345 33rd Sc, 2784920, 2222 22 LANDLORD'S RENTEX CAN FILL THAT VACANCY FREE Of COST OR OBLIGATION. Hundreds of screened tenants needed homes.

"d4n 7 Oav, Rent44 534-0900 9 p.m. LANDLORDS-REALTORS FREE RENTAL SERVICE VALLEY RENTALS, 466-0835 Let Manage Prop Property Mgr. Bonded (PROPEttY MANAGthic NT.) BONDED AND iNSURED pro" ert management speciaiists. House, muitipies, commet cials. In-noose construction, repair, and maintenance.

investment and tax munching since Stut. PROP. MGT 202 7211 VAC 1044 ACCOMMO DATIONS Son (new Loron000 Shores. luxury higti rise condo. New completely turrpshed, sleeps 6, for Details cal, Randy, Park C1N, Bear Lake, Jackson rentot discount.

2784211 BU Sit 4t SS 01100f RIMS r4E0i WiAPSE OFFICE SPACE 140 WEST IMO SOUTH 571-4 WEST 3660 SOUTH IDEAL FOR MER'S REP FOR LEASE 1.0120 to 15,000 sq. ft. and multiple warehouses with ar deluxe offices, heated wareeouse, et(CW grxit, 4007834. 82-0762, 592-9545 Be Your own boss! invest wing business in a area! AII nosImment good terms. good ircOme wItr! a much greater Only 150.000.

Cal1 461- 363 9123 or 461 8316 AST OLYMPUS 494-Race COUNIRY STORE and w'th 2 hetuoum foons) guar. (rs. pi Us inventory. 1.208) 47 3S15 Dayton, Why CHOICE Sth Spot freeway loco tido. fT ft.

dr Ph, e. Lto .1666 420 so ft, cAroeted offite. ft 0, itmKed Yard, vtoy South. $25 44, 1143, 2he 5225 AND OR AiARE HOUSE. binck from Salt xr, to lease 4,000 sn reo 532- 16)0 r.ra Bsyr Ofi Rur4 eocci F(oart SMC, Apply at lops S.

ow000 Rd 5311380, 5Aop warehouse with Oise tor Murray 262.114. STONES AND I SSOSANDY-Ortice or rPtati shoO Corner 100 West rod Mn 1,06 4t iks East of Ster.) 942 79C'i VpOONE ROOM cArootr rit 3oer, Oxlowo 74 East LFr So OFF qTE sPACE cjr HOUSE FREE Dart ront rur cond Pahking Ston 487 iril I mfice iSO Ft, nei fi). 760 Pr.O 23 414,0277 corgies SAle rn el Ele.4 521 In arto sAticv Momav 6pit til SPAC.r. 1 on rent. mo, i 7 A (.


Deseret News from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)


What percentage of people from Salt Lake City are Mormon? ›

It's been estimated that 31% to 41% of Salt Lake City residents are LDS. However, if you look at Salt Lake County, which is comprised of many other suburbs and cities, it's about 51% non-Mormon and 49% Mormon.

What happened to Deseret News? ›

After the dissolution became apparent, the Deseret News made the decision to end its daily print edition beginning January 1, 2021 (after just over 153 years of daily publication).

Is Deseret News owned by the LDS Church? ›

The Deseret News is a subsidiary of the Deseret Management Corporation, which is owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Deseret News retains and reaffirms its commitment to being a standard-bearer of journalistic integrity and principled reporting.

How many people read Deseret News? ›

In the most recent publisher's statement submitted to the Alliance for Audited Media, the News had a daily circulation of about 92,000. But in reorienting the paper's editorial mission, Deseret has its eye on a readership that supersedes geographical boundaries.

Is mormonism growing or declining? ›

According to the Cooperative Election Study, which has one of the largest samples of Latter-day Saints over time, the LDS share of the U.S. population used to be pretty consistently 1.8% or 1.9%. Then it was consistently between 1.4% and 1.6%. In the most recent years, it has declined to a range of 1.1% to 1.3%.

Is Salt Lake City becoming less Mormon? ›

SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) — Since Utah became a state in the late 1800s, most of its residents have been members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But according to a new study, Utah isn't majority Mormon anymore.

Is KSL owned by Mormon Church? ›

KSL is owned by Bonneville International Corporation, a for-profit broadcasting arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS/mormon). It is wholly owned and run by the church who makes broadcasting decisions based on what the LDS church will allow.

What does the word "deseret" mean? ›

In Utah: Statehood of Utah. …in 1849 under the name Deseret, a word from the sacred Book of Mormon meaning “honeybee” and signifying industry.

Is Deseret Ranch Mormon? ›

This ranch, owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), spreads over the three central Florida counties of Osceola, Orange, and Brevard. Covering almost 300,000 acres (1,200 km2) of land, 90 ranchers and their families live on the ranch. The ranch maintains 44,000 head of beef cattle.

Does LDS own Walmart? ›

There is no connection between Walmart and the Church. It is owned by stockholders, not any one entity. The Walton family, I believe, still owns most shares.

Is the Marriott owned by the Mormon Church? ›

Marriott International, as a publicly traded company, is owned by many investors, only some of whom are Latter-day Saints. The company was, however, founded by J. Willard and Alice Marriott, who were active members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

How rich is Mormon Church? ›

If confirmed, the $100 billion net worth would exceed the combined net worths of the world's largest university endowment (Harvard University) and the world's largest philanthropic foundation (Gates Foundation).

What is the largest newspaper in Salt Lake City Utah? ›

The Salt Lake Tribune is the largest-circulated daily newspaper in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Why is it called Deseret News? ›

1. The newspaper was named the Deseret News after the State of Deseret, which was a provisional territory proposed by settlers but never recognized by the United States. The word “deseret” comes from the word for “honeybee” in The Book of Mormon.

Is Deseret book owned by the church? ›

It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Deseret Management Corporation (DMC), the holding company for business firms owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Deseret Book is a for-profit corporation registered in Utah.

Deseret News - Utah History EncyclopediaUtah Education Network ›

The dean of newspaper historians, Frank Luther Mott, once said the Deseret News was the "first successful religious daily newspaper in the English language...
The Deseret News is a subsidiary of the Deseret Management Corporation, which is owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Deseret News reta...
The Deseret News Publishing Company is a publishing company headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. It is a subsidiary of Deseret Management Corpo...

What is the biggest Religion in Salt Lake City? ›

A large number of Utahns are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), popularly referred to as Mormons. About 55% of the state's population are said to be members of the religion, the highest percentage in the country. Mormons make up between 34%–41% of Salt Lake City's population.

What state has the highest Mormon population? ›

Utah, which has the highest Mormon population, has 5,229 congregations. About 68.55% of the state's total population is Mormon.

What percentage of University of Utah students are Mormon? ›

So, if you're wondering, according to this recent article, about 36% of the student body identifies as Mormon. Based on my experience, I imagine a non-menial number of those students identify as Mormon, but don't necessarily act that way (drink alcohol, etc.).

Why does Utah have a high Mormon population? ›

Utah was settled by pioneers who were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who fled the United States, as it existed then, due to religious persecution. The headquarters of the church is there.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.